· By Curation Records
Never Miss a FREE Sunday Show
It's All Because Of You!!
Let’s get right to it. THANK YOU for your generous and loving support during our fundraiser to honor our dear friend Kellie. As a result of this sales event, we were able to make a very nice donation in all of your honor, to the Neal Casal Music Foundation. If you didn't get to buy a shirt, the My Friend Kellie Tee Shirts are still available and 100% of each sale goes straight to the NCMF. https://
Every single penny meant the absolute world to us to give; we want to recognize our long time screen printing artisans, Grow Your Own Media for their contributions and we would also like to recognize Curation family supporter Dennis Markway, who graciously and generously matched our donation to the foundation. These thanks, are for all of you.
We are continuing to give back by hosting a FREE show and record release party this Sunday May 22nd 7pm at GoldDiggers Los Angeles for Big Star founding member & Memphis music legend JODY STEPHENS, and THOSE PRETTY WRONGS: We will gather to celebrate the release of their first two albums in one deluxe vinyl set (and CD)
He’ll be joined by his talented partner Luther Russell, Uni Boys & GospelbeacH… It’s first come first served, so get there early! We will be there, for you!
Need More info? Here you go:
Speaking of the UNI BOYS - as we prepare to ship the custom 7”s of their last hit single we are stoked to announce a NEW double single: I Wanna Rock You / Downtown. These guys are on fire, and lighting up the airwaves with their high energy power pop.
All this, is to get you ready for the pre-order for their upcoming LP “Do It All Next Week”. In news there: the art and test pressings have been approved and we are just waiting out the vinyl crisis… while we are on that sensitive subject we would like to add, that we have new vinyl coming from Triptides, Seans Weird Ears, Tan Cologne and Ryan Baine (more surprises too). The vinyl slowdown and backlog is a worldwide issue not just affecting Curation, but music and vinyl lovers everywhere. We humbly thank you all for being patient with the situation!
More new music, you say? OK! Fate is the new single from Triptides! You can always download and stream our artists from our digital site at curationrecords.com and buy the tracks, check it out here and look for our message about the preorder for their So Many Days LP coming soon (release date 7/29). It's all there for you.
For our Euro friends, an invitation for you. Some EU 2022 tour dates just announced by Triptides, get out and see them! You won't be disappointed.
Thank you all again for everything you do to support Curation Records, the family, the friends, the music and the musicians. We are here for you, because you have been here for us. As our friend Neal said - Curation to the World! (And we sure are glad we get to share all this experience and love with you!)
Love to you all ~ The Curation Records Family~