· By Brent Rademaker
It's Time To Talk About Plans, Babe!!
Summer's here, and the livin' is gettin' easier! Not only are vaccines going out world wide, but masks are slowly coming off and live music continues to be scheduled! Let me add to the growing great news, by letting you know that at long last our partners at Spinroad Vinyl Factory have given us the green light on the Jam Jam & FDWOW vinyl pressings!!
We've all been aware of the recent slowdown in vinyl production, as if our patience and understanding needed yet another test? A shipping date is now imminent and your records will be on your doorstep before the end of the month barring any shipping issues!!
It's a new world we are living in for new vinyl lovers - we will not be offering pre-orders until the pressing or repress is in production. A Curated shipment from us is meant to bring love and joy all at modern speeds...we thank you , we love you and we look forward to bringing you NEW music soon!
Speaking of new things, today a new video, Babe Got Plans (For Me) by Farmer Dave and the Wizards of the West, came out! Did you see it!?! If not, check out the front page of our website, our socials, or our YouTube channel. To celebrate this release, this weekend we are offering 10% off of all FDWOW merchandise and music. Check out the new shirt styles!! Use the code FDWOW10 at checkout. This is good until 5/17!
Here's a little somethin' from Dave himself about the song -
"Babe Got Plans (for Me)” is a song of love and loss and ultimately the sense that as painful as it gets, letting yourself be open to the joy and pain of love is
ultimately still the best game in town. I’d been in a relationship where there was some negativity and felt I had to stand up for myself in a way as well as honor the good and the bad that comes with being with someone. I also knew two different couples (both very close friends) at the time who always called each other “Babe” … and both of those relationships ended not-so-easily. So the song title is a bit like traveling back in time to when they were happy and singing from the perspective of the future. As rough as the bad times seemed, in a larger sense it’s all part of being human, learning, loving and living… I wouldn’t change a thing! - FD
Thanks for checking in with us everyone! See you out there soon!
PS. OH OH OH! I almost forgot! If you're in the California desert area, you can catch a very cool show including some very special friends, next SUNDAY, 5/23! FDWOW, Benji Knight Buddy System, Alex Koford & The Wise Owls, Katie Skene, Lauren Barth, and more! I'll be there, and our digital dude Brian is flying into Cali from the east coast to hang as well! It's going to be a great night!! See you then!!