· By Brent Rademaker
I Like It Here in Curation Nation
Hello Curation Nation!
It is our extreme pleasure to bring you I Like It Here from Trevor Beld Jimenez - Out Today! Many thanks to those who've pre-ordered and supported us from the beginning.
Trevor is such a welcomed addition to the Curation family, and we are so very grateful. Although he has a history as the the co-writer and drummer in GospelbeacH, and long time friend of our dear Neal, he's not some "new kid in town". You won't meet a nicer dude...we are so very proud to have the honor of releasing his debut album.
As an added bonus the debut single from Farmer Dave and the Wizards of the West is out today as well!! RIGHT VIBRATION.
Your inbox, turntable and CD player will thank you and so do we!
Groovy Times are back!